Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I have a feeling Ostara will forever be one of my favorite Sabbats. Spring has always been my favorite season and this Ostara is the first Sabbat I have shared with my children.

My Ostara started at work, eck. I had this insane need to lay in the grass and soak up nature and the energy of the moon but I wasn’t sure how security was going to like that so instead I leaned up against my car and took it all in. Not the same so I might just have to lay out in the grass before work tonight.
I planted my herbs before picking up the kids and I had their fairy garden all set up outside on the art table. I am so thankful  for the beautiful day! While I tried to find the tiny seeds in the packets (no where did it say the seeds were fairy sized…) my son arranged most of the rocks while my daughter placed the fairy and the pinwheel. Then we planted the seeds and hunted down the last colorful rock.
After dinner the kids colored some pages I got from Pooka Kids which is a wonderful site for kids.
Simple, fun and the memories will last a lifetime.
Love and light,
Lunar Sprite

Monday, March 19, 2012

The first time I let my children pick out their own crystals at the “rock and fairy store”* they were ecstatic. I then looked up the properties of the crystals when I got home because they both picked out crystals that I was unfamiliar with. I was blown away with how each crystal fit the child.

 My six year old daughter picked out a rainbow obsidian and that fits her because she is a sensitive child. This crystal promises to give her protection and also raise self esteem. Obsidian can be a very intense stone so I don’t have her carry it with her but I don’t hesitate to let her “play” with it if she asks.

 My two year old son (I want to point out he is way past the putting things in his mouth stage and he is also obsessed with rocks so I was comfortable letting him hold on to it) picked out a rhodonite. He is known to be a little over active and difficult as some two year old boys are, but I was amazed at how quickly he calmed down and became quiet as soon as he held it. When I looked into the properties of this crystal I was happy to see that it promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being.

This is just proves to me the healing qualities of crystals and that you are drawn to crystals that you need in a given situation. So the next time you’re drawn to something, take a step back and try to figure out why, it might shed some light onto something that is needed in your life.

 Love and light,
 Lunar Sprite

 *known by the rest of the world as Glowing Candle in the Palisades mall in Nyack, NY.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Pagan Blog Project 2012

F is for fairy garden

This might seem a bit silly to some but it is important to me! I haven’t shared my new faith with my two children yet but I plan on starting next week for Ostara by planting seeds for our fairy garden. I wanted a simple and fun way to connect more with my children and our Mother Earth and getting to play in the dirt is always lots of fun. We are starting out with some simple and colorful flowers while I get myself together and plant my magical herb garden. I look forward to seeing it grow larger as my children do.

What are you doing to celebrate Spring?

Love and light,
Lunar Sprite

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I have been called to blog, which is laughable really. I work 40+ hours a week while raising my kids on my own (sorry bud, weekly phone calls don’t count), I have a blog on magickaschool.com, I have a youtube channel (it’s mostly to keep track of my favorite witches but I have posted a few videos) and I just started a livejournal which I may or may not  keep. Oh and I also have half the keys on my laptop missing and no internet access at my house! I am hoping it helps me put out quality over quantity because of these challenges.
So I’m doing this! I have felt the need to reach out to other pagans like whoa even if it means just reading what they have to say. I have so much to learn from the witches that have come before me. As much as I’d like to have readers it is not something I am going to worry about. Even though I am putting myself out there I don’t expect to have tons of readers. I am doing this for myself and myself only.
I don’t plan on leaving magickashool, I am way too invested. I feel like the school is my journey and this blog is possibly my destination. Only time will tell.

Love and light,
Lunar Sprite