Sunday, March 11, 2012

I have been called to blog, which is laughable really. I work 40+ hours a week while raising my kids on my own (sorry bud, weekly phone calls don’t count), I have a blog on, I have a youtube channel (it’s mostly to keep track of my favorite witches but I have posted a few videos) and I just started a livejournal which I may or may not  keep. Oh and I also have half the keys on my laptop missing and no internet access at my house! I am hoping it helps me put out quality over quantity because of these challenges.
So I’m doing this! I have felt the need to reach out to other pagans like whoa even if it means just reading what they have to say. I have so much to learn from the witches that have come before me. As much as I’d like to have readers it is not something I am going to worry about. Even though I am putting myself out there I don’t expect to have tons of readers. I am doing this for myself and myself only.
I don’t plan on leaving magickashool, I am way too invested. I feel like the school is my journey and this blog is possibly my destination. Only time will tell.

Love and light,
Lunar Sprite

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